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17 Ways to Become an Internet Millionaire Online Fast Doing Business Related Stuff [New Step-By-Step Guide]

17 Ways to Become an Internet Millionaire Online Fast Doing Business Related Stuff [New Step-By-Step Guide]

In this post, I’m going to show you strategies to work your way into the internet millionaire club and become an internet millionaire fast by building online businesses. [Faster than you think possible]


In fact, some of the strategies mentioned here have worked extremely well for me across several businesses.

My suggestion would be to pick one or two strategies that you want to work on and go really deep. Instead of trying to do too many things, it’s better to pick one strategy and find success with it, before you begin implementing other methods. So, take a look at the complete list, and pick one that works best for you.

Plus: I’m going to share with you one trick to use these strategies and take advantage of something to speed up the process of becoming a millionaire. [keep reading]

I’ll also show you how to scale up what you’ve built, and the things you need to do before you get started on this journey to becoming an internet millionaire.

Alright then, let’s get started…

First things first, if you have any doubts that you can become a millionaire by building an online business, you need to eliminate all of those doubts right now. Yes, you CAN become an internet millionaire. [100%]. Is it possible for everyone to achieve that goal? No. It takes a ton of work and the drive to succeed.

So, if you’re ready, let’s dive in.

There are millions of people around the world making a full-time living with their online businesses. You can be living anywhere in the world and still build a hugely profitable online business. You can become an internet millionaire if you’re based in India, China, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, or anywhere in the world. There is no limit to how big you want to build your business. You are only limited by your ideas, desire, creativity, and drive. So, now that that’s out of the way, let’s go over a few things you need to do before you embark on this journey to becoming an internet millionaire.


Becoming a millionaire by building and running an online business takes a lot of work, creativity, and hustle. You need to decide that you’re going to do this and dedicate yourself to the idea. You can’t let anything come in the way of you and your goal of becoming an internet millionaire, so you need to prepare to get organized and build a cadence. You need to pace yourself so that you can handle the workload.

The biggest reason why people quit on their journey to becoming an internet millionaire and end up in a job they might not like as much is that they don’t see results immediately. The truth is that internet businesses (just like any other businesses) take time to gain traction. Sometimes, they don’t gain any traction (or very little traction) at all. But, that’s ok. Even when an online business doesn’t succeed on the first attempt, there is nothing stopping you from trying again, and again, and again. You just have to be right once. And the truth is that when you do end up succeeding, you will potentially see life-changing results.

How Fast Can You Become an Internet Millionaire?

Becoming an internet millionaire can take as long as a decade for some people, and some people can be tremendously successful within the first few months. There is no single path to becoming an internet millionaire. It’s different for everyone.

The internet is limitless and you can pursue all kinds of business models on the internet. You are bound by nothing. So, take your time. Whether you are successful on your first attempt or on your fourth attempt, learn to enjoy the process, the knowledge you are acquiring along the way, and the privilege of just being able to use the internet to build a life-changing business. Eventually, you will be successful.

What is the key to creating an online business and becoming an internet millionaire? [Short Answer]

The quick and dirty answer is “provide massive value”. When you provide massive value to people, you will be successful. You also need to pick a market that’s big enough. If you pick a small market, you might not experience the level of success you were hoping for.

Building a successful online business requires a tremendous amount of dedication, grit, planning, persistence, and creativity. There are also several other things that are important when you embark on this journey and if you implemented some of these ideas I mention late in this post, you will reap even bigger rewards in the future.

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of the different techniques and strategies you can use to become an internet millionaire fast, below are some suggestions to get your mind, body, overall health, and daily routine in order so that you have the energy to pursue your dream of becoming an internet millionaire by creating an online business.

Routine & Habits

The journey of creating a business can be a very demanding one. It can take you away from your family, your social life, and you can sometimes feel like you don’t have time to enjoy life at all. Having a routine and setting a cadence and rhythm for your success is very important to be able to avoid burnout. You need to pace yourself and make sure you take it one week at a time.

I’m not a morning person. I have tried to be a morning person but inevitably I end up staying up late and very often I find myself working on projects through the entire night. That type of cadence is not for everybody. So, it’s important for you to find what works for you, and just embrace it. Remember, when you’re on this journey of becoming an internet millionaire, you just need to worry about four things. Working, Eating, Sleeping, and Exercising. You shouldn’t worry about anything else. Focus every minute of the day on your business. Some wise person once said, “the more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.” So, imagine yourself getting ready for the war that is called “life”. The harder you work now, and the more focused you are, the more successful a business you will build, and the more freedom you will have later in life.

Without further ado, here are 17 ways to become an internet millionaire fast. You can use any one of the methods to get started on your path to making millions online. Keep in mind that you will need to come up with a strategy to invest the money you make so you can become a millionaire in 5, 10, 15, or maybe 20 years. You can do it at any pace you want, and you’re only limited by your drive, creativity, and desire for greatness.

1. Writer, Proofreader & Editor

If you’re serious about making money online, and you have excellent writing and reading skills. You might want to consider becoming a freelance writer, proofreader, or editor. You’re probably wondering how you’re going to make millions of dollars doing something like writing and editing. Think about what drives everything on the internet. The simple answer is “content”. There are over a billion active sites on the internet. To keep these sites running, people need content. They need writers, proofreaders, and editors. Every author, webmaster, blogger, and business owner on the internet needs writers and editors to publish content if they’re doing it at scale. Once you build a solid reputation, your business will receive referrals, and you can expand by hiring other people to do the work while you focus on extending the reach of your business. You can build a million-dollar content business doing writing projects, proofreading, and editing for clients. This is very doable! You just need to figure out if it is something that speaks to you. Will you be able to stick with it and grow it slowly step by step?

2. Campaign Builder

They say all roads lead to advertising. This is true if you look at any of the larger social media companies or any consumer or media company. All roads for generating revenue lead to advertising. Companies and brands need talented people who can manage their ad-spend by creating profitable campaigns on the internet. Buying ads, optimizing ads, and creating profitable campaigns is one of the most profitable and useful skills you can learn. And businesses are willing to pay people a lot of money for their knowledge when it comes to building profitable internet ad campaigns.

3. Social Media Influencer

If you are passionate about something and can talk for hours about the topic, chances are there are millions of people out there who are interested in the same topic. If you can find a way to reach that audience and build a relationship through social media, you can become a social media influencer. Social media influencers get paid thousands of dollars for sponsored content and paid promotions. You can take advantage of this and build a large following to be able to capitalize on the idea.

4. Digital Affiliate Marketer

A digital affiliate marketer is someone who promotes digital products on the internet in exchange for a commission when a sale is made or when a lead is generated. There are several affiliate programs you can sign up for and begin promoting products that suit the niche you’re in. Digital affiliate marketing can be very lucrative because of the minimal overhead and passive nature of the business. You can do the work to set up the system once and make money for a very long time without making any drastic changes to what you have built.

5. You Can Become a Real Estate Flipper Online

Believe it or not, it is possible to buy and sell real estate online without ever driving to go see the property, meeting with an agent or stepping into an office to handle the closing. You can flip houses remotely from the comfort of your home somewhere in the mountains or on the beach. There are several people who do this for a full-time living. It’s a competitive space but there’s a lot of money to be made and you can get your feet wet by starting with your first property. It’s also a great way to learn about real estate. Just remember that there are many seasoned investors in the market who know exactly what to look for to make the deal worth their while, so if you have someone who can mentor you in the business, that’s probably the best way to learn the ropes without you making any major mistakes. It all depends on your appetite for risk and how much money you have at your disposal to be able to make a deal happen.

6. Build Software

Everything on the internet is run by software. From your car to your refrigerator, everything is run on software these days. If you have ideas that have a big market and could be profitable, you might want to think about starting a software business. There is a lot of money in the software business. If you built an app for which there is high demand, you could make millions and in some cases billions of dollars.

8. Become a Day Trader

There is a steep learning curve to learning how to day trader profitably, but it’s something you can learn to do. There are people who have taken trading accounts with just a few thousand dollars and turned them into millions of dollars over a period of just a few years. As a day trader, you will usually look for stocks that have a large volume and capitalize on the movement of the stock. It’s also called “scalping”. Some day traders make $500 – $1000 within the first 45 minutes of the market opening and they call it a day. If you think you might have the knack for day trading, it might be worth it to take a look and maybe open a paper trading account. With a paper trading account, you can learn to trade in real market scenarios but with fake money. This is a great way for you to learn the technical aspect of trading. However, nothing beats trading with real money.

9. Become a UX Designer

There is an extremely high demand for UX designers or user experience designers right now. Every company doing anything in the digital world needs a UX designer to work on their product, app, website, or marketing. UX design can be extremely lucrative once you have built a portfolio of clients who can vouch for your work. The best way to get started in UX design is to teach yourself how to use Sketch. Most tech companies expect their designers to know how to use Sketch. Once you are a ninja when it comes to Sketch and Photoshop, you can pretty much design anything and companies will pay you the big bucks to design for them [provided you’re really really good]. Just like anything else, UX design takes skill. It’s a skill you can develop, but it might take time. Once you’ve developed the skill, you can make as much as $50K for a single freelance project.

10. Become an Apprentice to an Internet Millionaire

This might sound counterintuitive, but if you know someone who is already an internet millionaire, then you could ask this person to allow you to work for them for free. Spend six months to a year working for them if you can afford to. An apprenticeship like that could be invaluable, and you could end up learning things that could truly set you apart from others. It might be hard to get someone to allow you to be their apprentice, especially since you probably don’t have an online brand. But, if you can find a way to add value to their business, and present it to them, you might stand a chance.

11. Search Engine Optimization

SEO is all about maximizing the reach of a website in the organic search results. It’s the art of making a website rank higher than its competitors and increasing traffic and revenue for the business. Building an SEO agency can make you millions of dollars a year. There are case studies I have read of people starting from scratch and building SEO agencies that bring in over $200K per month. There is a learning curve with SEO, but anything that has the potential to provide such a massive ROI will have a learning curve. If you’re willing to put the time in, you can build a very profitable SEO agency and run the business from anywhere in the world with complete autonomy.

12. Teaching

If you master the art of SEO or digital marketing or anything that other people are willing to pay for, you can create an online course and sell it to thousands of people on the internet. The amazing thing about designing and building an online course is that you only need to do the work once and it doesn’t take any more effort to sell the 750th copy than it does to sell the 1st copy. There are people who make a full-time living just creating online courses on topics they have mastered. You can do the same.

13. Social Media Marketing Agency

Practically every business that is in operation today has some form of an online presence on social media. There is a huge need for talented social media managers. This job can be done from anywhere in the world, and companies don’t mind hiring someone on a contract basis. You can get started in this space by offering a trial of your services to a local, and if the trial goes well, they can hire you on a contract basis. The sky is the limit to how big you would want to build your agency.

14. YouTube Creator

It is no secret that creators on YouTube can make some serious cash. Starting a YOuTube channel can be very fulfilling, but also extremely demanding. YouTube is one of those channels that you should definitely tap into once you have decided to build your online brand. If you’re not taking advantage of the traffic on YouTube, you’re leaving money on the table.
There are several YouTube millionaires, and you can be one too.

15. Dating Coach

Do you have special knowledge that you can share with people who are in need of dating advice? You might want to consider becoming an online dating coach. There are several streams of income you can take advantage of. From paid phone sessions to group coaching to webinars, you can build a very lucrative business as a dating coach.

16. Full-Time Author

There are people who make hundreds of thousands of dollars publishing ebooks and audiobooks online. You can make a lot of money in a passive manner by writing and publishing books online. The good news is that you can self-publish your book, and you can get started right away. This method of making money online is scalable and there are several categories and topics you can write about. You are not limited to one single topic.

17. eCommerce Store

eCommerce is growing rapidly and there is a huge demand for products that are sold directly to the consumer from a website. There are many people who are recreating their version of their favorite store-bought goods and creating a better design or healthier recipe and selling it direct to the consumer via their eCommerce website. You can do this too. There are several things you can sell DTC.

Wrapping Up

As you can see, there are several ways to become an internet millionaire fast. The possibilities are endless and you can make as much money as you want. You are not limited at all. If you focus on a couple of strategies and go all in, I’m sure you can generate a full-time living and soon hit your goal of becoming an internet millionaire working on the online business that you started from nothing.

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